Laurie Molloy
2 min readMay 7, 2020


Day 4: Thirty Ways — 30 Days

Better Every Day

William Faulkner said, “All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection.” The quest to be perfect — elusive and winding — always ends in frustration. Some people are proud of their perfectionist traits, while others wish they could be a little easier on themselves.

I’ve been both a slob and a perfectionist throughout my life. I tend to the perfectionist side of things these days, and the more perfect I try and get something, the longer it takes and the more it falls apart. Akin to spending our lives searching for our purpose, we can also spend our days seeking the elusive and impossible goal of perfection.

Instead of perfect, let’s quest to be our best. This can be achieved by implementing small changes that improve ourselves a bit every day. This changes our goal from perfect to better.

Once we have the mindset that we are better every day, then we will be better every day. To ensure our improvement, we can write down one area/skill in which we want to progress. I suggest picking something from Day 3’s like to list (see Day 3: 30 Days — 30 Ways) list. It is easier to get better at things you like to do, and you will be more motivated to stick to your goal. Choose one thing for a week, and if it is going great, stick with it. If it doesn’t feel right, try something else from your like to list.

How will being better each day improve our mood, wealth, health, and success? I don’t know — remember this 30 day plan is in its experimental phase. One thing that practicing one of our like to tasks each day will do is build our self-confidence. One way to succeed is to do something often and well. As we proceed to consistently practice, we will naturally become better. Since I like to write and to cook with my kids, I plan to do more of both. Maybe I will write with my kids too.

A quick recap of our process so far: Day 1 — Develop a Vision Board of Vision Journal; Day 2 — Defy Toxicity; Day 3: — Let Go of Finding a Purpose; and Day 4 — Better Every Day.

Thank you for joining me on this fun adventure to free ourselves from stagnancy and build a wonderful life full of happiness, wealth, health, and success. One of my favorite quotes is from the novel The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho: “When each day is the same as the next, it’s because people fail to recognize the good things that happen in their lives every day the sun rises.” Let’s notice beauty and see what the light of the sun illuminates.



Laurie Molloy

Laurie Molloy is the mom of two amazing boys, an English Teacher, and a published author. A few of her hobbies are writing, swimming, and nature.